19th September, 2017


David was at home one morning in July 2003, when he received a strange telephone call from a Mr Mitchell, a rather ‘posh spoken’ man, who asked to meet him on a nearby bridle path, to discuss the suppression of the information in the dozier.

Now at this point we need to go back to the previous year and the drafting of the ‘dodgy dozier’.  David has now explained that yes he was in actual fact asked to prepare a report on a specific countries WMD.  With this in mind David wrote a truthful report, detailing fact after fact, explaining that this particular country did not have any WMD. David’s report was passed directly to Libra and this in turn was shown to Red, however it was not included in the final dozier that was published.  In essence, the report was customised to reflect Libra’s requirement and ensure invasion was authorised.

So by the fact that David’s section was never included, he knew that there was something very underhand taking place and that he was now in a very vulnerable position.  Therefore, he drove his car to the rendezvous with a Labrador dog and went to meet Mr Mitchell as requested.  However, he knew it was a set up as soon as he saw the two men waiting to meet him.  The first man who introduced himself as Mr Mitchell spoke with a robotic voice and sounded so very different to the man on the phone.  This man was well built with a thick jaw and dressed in a brown black trousers and jacket which was so very out of place for a meeting in that location.  The second man was similarly dressed, but what really stood out was that both were wearing the same style, very strange, expensive looking, ornate brown shoes.

Then David saw this needle being stuck into his Jugular Vein, which immediately wiped out his memory.  Even though he is now in spirit he cannot remember anything further and is very frustrated that he cannot tell me more.  Although he knows that they then moved his body to the field where he was found and moved his car to a nearby location.

So this explains why the autopsy report, unpublished medical and scientific records and photographs of David’s body will be kept secret and not be released until 2080.  It is also pertinent to know that David had been told he was on a ‘hit list’ in the final years of his life.  Whilst one of the policemen who found his body claimed that there was less blood found at the scene than that had been recorded.  This helps explain why some doctors wrote an open letter to state that it was extremely unlikely that a primary cause of death would or could have been a haemorrhage from a severed Ulnar Artery in one wrist, without any evidence of a blood-clotting deficiency. 

Let it now be noted David did not commit suicide, but was assassinated by two very strange robotic sounding men, with the use of a syringe pumping a toxic chemical directly into one of his main arteries, causing an immediate memory loss and instant death.  The urgent questions that must now be asked relates to who ordered and instructed this deadly deed of David’s assassination and the source of this lethal cocktail. 

My next blog will cover the puppets and puppeteers who are controlling our wondrous planet. 

5th September, 2017



Now we all now know that David was blamed for this information, however the real story explains why Gina was really too scared to even be forced to divulge his source to his editor.  In essence was it that he knew he had to handle this explosive coup very carefully, not only to protect his job but also his well being and David was to be his named default source or worse still was it a plot to put David in the untenable situation so that his services would be removed.

So we have to to look at the broader picture and ask why would you want to frame a man, who was one of the most valuable knowledgeable specialist  who was helping  to keep this wondrous planet of ours safe from harm.

We already know Camel was instrumental in making 16 suggestions to the final report, in the previous year.  The very vital piece of information that tipped the balance & swayed the votes was the 45 minute claim from a questionable source and that only went into the final report post his suggestions. While the officers who were charged with drafting the report were far from happy with its contents, plus it would now appear that some of their senior colleagues knew it was projecting a false illusion, apart from their controller, the most powerful and influential K who  appeared to be promoting these spurious facts.    It was certainly not the sort of subject for any of them to discuss over a pint after work at the nearest hostelry, let alone be pillow talk.   Then their blood must have boiled over when Camel was formally asked to produce a copy of his suggestions, only for him to produce a revised and less controversial version.

So let us take a brief look at the background.  Maddas had started  working for ICA at the age of 15 and worked his way up the ladder to become a puppet dictator.  He had invaded two of his neighbours at the behest and blessings of his masters.  This in turn had now used up his country’s assets, apart from the oil and some gold.

At this point Maddas had taken out many of his own people including some closely connected to his inner circle and it was at this point some decided that it was time to defect.  One came forward mid September 2002, from a very senior position, stating that Maddas had intentions to have WMD, chemical, biological and nuclear, but he actually had almost nothing in that respect.  So both the ICA & KM6¾ were fully aware that the 45 minute claim was false, from a very reliable source even before the final dossier was made public, however they chose to ignore it.   Then a few months later yet another potential defector, this time someone in the high ranks of their Intelligence Agency came along directly to the KM6¾, yet again confirming that the country in question had no WMD.  By now it was quite obvious that the powers that be, did not wish to listen to the truth, the war drums could not be silenced, even though it was blatantly obvious they were progressing to invade a country based on false information.

The invasion took place in March 2003.  With the invading troops using what can only be described as some ‘Voice of God Alien ET Technology’ from numerous reliable sources.  Reports indicated that the voice told the soldiers to lay down their arms and accept death and many thousands were killed.  The result was a country that was turned into chaos with many lives lost, all because two countries had fabricated a very fundamental agenda, that did not exist in reality.   

So as we can see there were many people wanting to stop Camel and Libra manipulating the decisions of very influential people, who in turn could authorise an invasion and create chaos in another land.

With this in mind I contacted David and asked who had given the information to Gina and why he had taken this action.  David’s response was that an individual from one of the  Intelligence Agencies had come forward with this explosive facts, but Gina was sworn to secrecy on this source and was really too scared to divulge  this information even to his editor.  So he had to make contact with another person who was outside that remit, but at the same time would have the knowledge, albeit very unlikely to name Camel and or Libra.  With this in mind Gina contacted David, someone who was allowed to talk to the press and very knowledgeable on the subject of WMD.  It was no small wonder that Gina had two sets of notes, one from his secret source and one from David’s meeting, which both mysteriously and conveniently disappeared, together with his personal organiser.

The rest of the story is history.  Yes David was framed and falsely accused, in order to protect both Gina and his real source of the sensational news coup.  In essence Gina wanted the kudos of the coup, whilst trying to mitigate the side effects.

My next blog will cover the last 24 hours of David’s life.