28th November, 2017


Hello once again and welcome to this edition of my blog relating to the Secret Space Programme.  At first I questioned why David was so adamant for me to cover this vast subject, but then calling on my Galactic Team for some guidance, the can of worms (or ET’s) began to open up.  So hope this brief summary will give you a real picture of what is really going on behind the scenes.

First of all let me state that it is a total misnomer that we have yet to make contact with any Extra Terrestrials, our governments have had much contact with them for many a year. 

Let me take you back to 1938/39, when Germany was actively staking out its claim in Antarctica, allegedly guided by alien assistance and mythical artefacts, the covet operation is believed to have set out in search of hollow earth and its subterranean caverns.  However, what appears to have been the real reason was exploring the area’s underground caves and hunting for current or abandoned ET technology to construct a secret underground fortress.  When the Nazis realised they would ultimately lose the war, many top SS officers, party officials, engineers and scientists escaped to Antarctica. 

The US Government had discovered that Germany had received assistance from ETs to advance their military hardware.  Although the Germans had surrendered, the US wanted to take out the secret Nazis base in Antarctica and sent down a fleet of 4,700 Navy and Marine personnel, 13 warships including an aircraft carrier, a battleship and a destroyer and 33 aircraft. Initially the US team just settled in to acclimatise to the extreme harsh conditions, but navigation and radio equipment failed whilst flying over plush green valleys, lakes and rivers free from ice at 70F temperature, speculating the hollow earth theory.

After two months on assignment, suddenly out of nowhere the navy force was attacked by combat power and conditions never before witnessed on a battle front. Seemingly, springing up out of nowhere from the water emerged a number of saucer shaped craft that exerted a force field shield that appeared to be controlled by anti-gravity UFO’s.  In the mayhem, three US ships were sunk, including the destroyer.  The 6 month operation was forced to abruptly abandon its mission.  This was alien technology in action.

Now let us jump a few years forward to 1952, when a fleet of spacecraft were seen to fly over Washington DC.  This was a show of force and probably a reminder that their Greada Treaty was up for renewal in 1954.  Now this is a treaty that had been in existence for many a year and is still in force today.  In essence, it is between the Draco-Anunnaki, Reptilian-Grey Matrix and our governments.  These ETs had originally asked for our assistance, because they wanted our help as humans to maintain their blood lines, in essence our permission for them to abduct humans, in exchange for their ET technology. 

When I first learned about this treaty I was shocked and now realise that it still haunts many of those who have been involved in it’s implementation. Since we are all but pawns in this whole arena and have lost our sovereignty to these aliens.  Many of you will know that they have implanted blocks on Gaia’s ley-lines which are gradually being removed with the healing from the  light-workers.  Those of the dark who have had no concerns on how they treat their fellow man have realised that their time is now running out.  Hence the geo-engineering, super storms, energy weapons and false flags are their final attempt to hold onto power.  At one point they even considered using a false flag of an alien invasion manned by their own dark ET forces to enforce even more restrictions to our freedom.  However, with the advent of the internet we are able to share this important information with you all and hopefully with your help and determination regain our rightful sovereignty.

IMPORTANT UPDATE: ABROGATE THIS! The Petition to Abrogate the 1954 GreadaTreaty is ONLINE!  You can access and sign the Petition at this Change.org LINK. Please share with friends, networks, and on Facebook, Twitter and social media. Thank you.

Abrogate This! End Greada Treaty & End Pedocriminal Matrix on Earth


It has certainly made me realise who are the good guys and bad guys in this whole operation and who just might be able to redeem us from these deeds and return our sovereignty back to this wondrous planet.

I hope you have found my blogs enlightening and help you comprehend the true picture  and how we might regain true freedom, health and prosperity.   

This is my final blog relating to David’s subjects.  Moving forward, I have been asked to write a book on our true history, so will post some exerts at regular intervals to give you a glimpse of the real story.

Wishing you much love and light in this evolutionary time.