28th November, 2017


Hello once again and welcome to this edition of my blog relating to the Secret Space Programme.  At first I questioned why David was so adamant for me to cover this vast subject, but then calling on my Galactic Team for some guidance, the can of worms (or ET’s) began to open up.  So hope this brief summary will give you a real picture of what is really going on behind the scenes.

First of all let me state that it is a total misnomer that we have yet to make contact with any Extra Terrestrials, our governments have had much contact with them for many a year. 

Let me take you back to 1938/39, when Germany was actively staking out its claim in Antarctica, allegedly guided by alien assistance and mythical artefacts, the covet operation is believed to have set out in search of hollow earth and its subterranean caverns.  However, what appears to have been the real reason was exploring the area’s underground caves and hunting for current or abandoned ET technology to construct a secret underground fortress.  When the Nazis realised they would ultimately lose the war, many top SS officers, party officials, engineers and scientists escaped to Antarctica. 

The US Government had discovered that Germany had received assistance from ETs to advance their military hardware.  Although the Germans had surrendered, the US wanted to take out the secret Nazis base in Antarctica and sent down a fleet of 4,700 Navy and Marine personnel, 13 warships including an aircraft carrier, a battleship and a destroyer and 33 aircraft. Initially the US team just settled in to acclimatise to the extreme harsh conditions, but navigation and radio equipment failed whilst flying over plush green valleys, lakes and rivers free from ice at 70F temperature, speculating the hollow earth theory.

After two months on assignment, suddenly out of nowhere the navy force was attacked by combat power and conditions never before witnessed on a battle front. Seemingly, springing up out of nowhere from the water emerged a number of saucer shaped craft that exerted a force field shield that appeared to be controlled by anti-gravity UFO’s.  In the mayhem, three US ships were sunk, including the destroyer.  The 6 month operation was forced to abruptly abandon its mission.  This was alien technology in action.

Now let us jump a few years forward to 1952, when a fleet of spacecraft were seen to fly over Washington DC.  This was a show of force and probably a reminder that their Greada Treaty was up for renewal in 1954.  Now this is a treaty that had been in existence for many a year and is still in force today.  In essence, it is between the Draco-Anunnaki, Reptilian-Grey Matrix and our governments.  These ETs had originally asked for our assistance, because they wanted our help as humans to maintain their blood lines, in essence our permission for them to abduct humans, in exchange for their ET technology. 

When I first learned about this treaty I was shocked and now realise that it still haunts many of those who have been involved in it’s implementation. Since we are all but pawns in this whole arena and have lost our sovereignty to these aliens.  Many of you will know that they have implanted blocks on Gaia’s ley-lines which are gradually being removed with the healing from the  light-workers.  Those of the dark who have had no concerns on how they treat their fellow man have realised that their time is now running out.  Hence the geo-engineering, super storms, energy weapons and false flags are their final attempt to hold onto power.  At one point they even considered using a false flag of an alien invasion manned by their own dark ET forces to enforce even more restrictions to our freedom.  However, with the advent of the internet we are able to share this important information with you all and hopefully with your help and determination regain our rightful sovereignty.

IMPORTANT UPDATE: ABROGATE THIS! The Petition to Abrogate the 1954 GreadaTreaty is ONLINE!  You can access and sign the Petition at this Change.org LINK. Please share with friends, networks, and on Facebook, Twitter and social media. Thank you.

Abrogate This! End Greada Treaty & End Pedocriminal Matrix on Earth


It has certainly made me realise who are the good guys and bad guys in this whole operation and who just might be able to redeem us from these deeds and return our sovereignty back to this wondrous planet.

I hope you have found my blogs enlightening and help you comprehend the true picture  and how we might regain true freedom, health and prosperity.   

This is my final blog relating to David’s subjects.  Moving forward, I have been asked to write a book on our true history, so will post some exerts at regular intervals to give you a glimpse of the real story.

Wishing you much love and light in this evolutionary time.

22nd November, 2017


Hello once again and welcome to my blog.  For this edition I hope to provide you all with some valuable evidence as to how our weather is being manipulated to effect the ecology and agriculture of our land.

Now we have all heard of the term ‘Global Warming’, which in turn has led to some very profitable Carbon Trading.  However, what I want to give you a much more broader picture, as to how this whole concept has evolved in the first place.

Let us start the ball rolling with Chem-trails.  Now for some when looking up into the sky when an aeroplane passes overhead and we see not just one   straight line of vapour, but a scroll of white vapour broadening outwards.  Then sometimes early in the morning during the summer, we see almost criss crossing of these vapour lines as though someone is trying to cover our sky and block out that wonderful blue colour that should be complementing those beautiful rays of the sun. 

One only needs to watch one of many youtube films to see exactly what is being done and how canisters of various chemicals are bolted into the aeroplanes cabin with jets positioned to spray outside, to make you realise that something much more sinister than ordinary vapour is being emitted into our skies.  The trails which arouse the most suspicion are those that remain visible for a long time, dispersing into cirrus-like cloud formations, or those from multiple aircraft which form a persistent noughts-and-crosses-style grid over a large area. 

Now at this point one needs to ask, are there any legitimate reasons for atmospheric spraying, of undisclosed chemicals??   Is this an attempt to not only manipulate our allocation of Vitamin D, but also turn the screw on the global warming programme.  So this produces a double whammy in effect, since not only does the diminished level of sunlight effect our ecology but probably also have a detrimental effect on our agriculture. 

So let us take a look at HARRP, what could be deemed to be another weather manipulator.  Officially it was established to analyse the ionosphere and investigate the potential for developing ionospheric enhancement technology for radio communications and surveillance – but for decades, it has been regarded in some circles as an experiment in ‘weaponising weather’.

HAARP itself is based in a remote part of the globe and far from prying, civilian eyes.  The location was probably chosen as there are huge amounts of natural gas in  which can be used to power turbines in order to keep the web of transmitters and receivers working at full steam.

It is believed that HAARP could pump 1.7 gigawatts of radiated power into the sky – with researchers unsure if it could potentially damage the Earth’s atmosphere or irreparably change it.  The unnatural level of motion of highly-energetic particles in the atmosphere and in radiation belts surrounding Earth may be deemed to be the villain in the weather disruptions.   

Then this blog would never be complete without including the theory of the geo-engineering practise of hurricane manipulation.  This may come as a shock to many as they watch with horror how this can cause such devastation, across the islands and mainland coast regions in its path.

So with this in mind I was directed to watch satellite images of the formation of one that caused havoc earlier this year.  Yes, it was 13 minutes of not wanting to blink, while watching something that bore no resemblance to a hurricane appear to be manipulated, with clumps of forced convection having completely fallen apart one moment and then rebuilt/reconfigured.  This exercise occurred on several occasions, while all the time the world was being warned of a devastating hurricane en route to….       

Now for those who are still in the conspiracy train of thought, I should add that Weather Modification Technology really does exist – there are patents to prove it!!

The question one must ask is exactly who are these rogue elements using very sophisticated technology to cause such severe stress to this planet. So let us remind ourselves of the Law of Gravity, whatever chemical mix they are spraying out of the aeroplanes at some point will fall onto this planet.  This in turn will effect the ecology and agriculture, which in turn may have a detrimental effect causing many types of health problems.  At this point we must ask is there a more sinister goal, such as human population control, psychological manipulation, and/or military weapons testing, to pursue such a secretive and potentially damaging programme. 

Now for my next blog I will be covering the subject of the Secret Space Programme.

15th November, 2017




Hello once again and hope that this blogs edition will help you comprehend how water is a fundamental necessity to our very existence on this planet and how these unwanted additives is preventing our well being.

It may be prudent just to remind ourselves that the major component in our body is a surprising 70% water.  We need to put this into planetary context and consider how the moon effects our tides throughout the world.  This may be shown by the extreme differences between some high and low tides all around the globe.  As you can imagine for us mere mortals the effect on 70% of our anatomy can be quite staggering.

So it is most important that this element in our bodies needs to be pure in order to help maintain optimum health, however that is becoming more of a challenge. 

In many parts of the civilised world we have access to tap water, however one needs to ask is it actually safe to drink??  I am always mortified to see people at the gym drinking water from the machines, let alone others giving untreated tap water to their children or making their tea with it.  Do they realise that they may be drinking a cocktail of other peoples second-hand medications.  That is thanks to the fact that today’s pharmaceuticals have been designed to be stable and long lasting.  While that makes their doses reliably consistent, it also means that a substantial amount of the prescribed drugs that people take goes through their bodies and out into waste water.  In many cases the filtering process in our sewage systems are not able to eliminate a proportion of these drugs and they reappear back into our domestic water supply. 

It is not just restricted to those prescribed drugs but also the recreational variety can also be found in the domestic water supply.  I found it quite a wake up call when I discovered that in some cases levels of cocaine have been found  in our tap water, with differing concentrations, depending on the day of the week. 

Then we have to consider not just the environmental consequences of hydraulic-fracking but also the chemicals that they are pumping into the ground to help force out these gases.  Many fracking chemicals are protected from disclosure under trade secret exemptions. Studies of fracking waste have identified formaldehyde, acetic acids, and boric acids, among hundreds of others. For each frack, 80-300 tons of chemicals may be used, selected from a menu of up to 600 different chemicals.  At this point we then have to understand the sources of some of our water supplies and it will not surprise you to learn that water from nearby rivers, streams and springs are very often diverted into your local reservoir.  Then a tad more local research will expose the latest fracking exercise in your area.  So it is only a matter of putting the dots together to explain why your tap water may smell unpleasant and even after filtering and boiling exposes  some unwanted qualities. 

The real horror story has to be the water fluoridation, as a perverse suggestion that it is good for health.  In essence fluoride may be considered as the toxic waste of the fertiliser industry, since it cannot be dumped into the sea by International Law.  So somehow it was suggested that it was able to prevent teeth decay, however not only has it been described as a toxic poison, but it calcifies the very vital pineal gland.  In essence one of the primary functions of the gland is to produce melatonin, which regulates your wake-sleep cycle.  However, fluoride accumulates in the pineal gland more than any other organ of the body and leads to the formation of phosphate crystals.  As your pineal gland hardens due to the crystal production, less melatonin is produced and regulation of your wake-sleep cycle gets disturbed.  In essence, a lack of proper sleep can create untold damage to the body.

So by now I hope you will understand why David thought it important to include water within my remit.  The poisons, drugs and chemicals now found in our domestic tap water make buying bottled spring water for drinking and cooking an essential part of my healthy living formula.

My next blog will cover the manipulation of our weather patterns and how this is effecting the ecology and agriculture of our land.

8th November, 2017


Hello once again and hope that this blog’s edition will help you comprehend the enormity of the task to bring you up to speed on David’s specialist subject of Biological Bombs or what the media call Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD).  Once again I was determined to explore what action could be taken to expose the who, where and how of these biological bombs  in order to bring peace and health back to this wondrous planet of ours. 

With this in mind I thought it worthwhile just to remind ourselves of how these deadly and unethical tactics are meant to be controlled.  In essence, we need to look at the 1972 Geneva Convention, which related to the prohibition of bacteriological and toxin weapons, as well as the additional protocol  to this convention, drawn up in the 1990s, that would verify efforts by the treaties signatories to comply with its provisions. 

So it was no surprise that Eagleland refused to ratify this in 2001, since they had persuaded Bearland to act in a matter of good faith to neutralise their stock when the barrier came down.  At the time, Eagleland had made the excuse that they did not have the necessary funds to pay for this expensive exercise and they still have not found the monies to allocate this vital work over 25 years later.  So one does have to question what exactly is going on behind the scenes.

Four years later Eagleland signed an agreement with Nukeria relating to the cooperation in the area of preventing the development of pathogens as a biological weapon.  Following Nukeria’s so-called revolution, the country has become a prime location for Eagleland’s military biological laboratories.    

However, the prevention aspect of the agreement was a total misnomer, which became apparent when the residents of Nukeria then started to experience outbreaks of dangerous diseases.  In one town a mysterious intestinal infection hit the children especially hard and hospitalised 400 of them in one single day, the cause of which has yet to be identified.  The country has also experienced other unexplained conditions including a bizarre epidemic of Swine-flu, and then a deadly botulism from eating contaminated fish.    

None of these laboratories are under the jurisdiction of the state in which they are located and their work is closed to outsiders, with personnel primarily from Eagleland, with diplomatic immunity.  So representatives from the host country are not allowed access to these laboratories, not even those working for the public health authorities.  The whole project is held under secrecy, where even journalists from Nukeria’s independent press are not permitted to make enquiries.

With this in mind you can imagine how the rest of the world’s press reacted when they discovered that a department from Eagleland had requested samples of DNA and synovial fluid from people of Peuroe/Bearland extraction. Understandably, this request prompted a storm of questions, which Eagleland refused to answer.  However, experts in biological weapons claim that these types of specific samples are primarily required when a biological weapon is being designed to destroy a specific populace.

There are now over 400 of these biological ‘research’ laboratories around the world funded and administered by Eagleland, many positioned and surrounding the countries that have not become subservient to this ruler.  So you can now begin to see the tactics that Eagleland may be considering when trying to lever a country into submission.

Then we read of a cholera outbreak in Menye killing at least 2,000 people, with a half a million suspected cases.  At this point we have to ask who and how was this  spread through the water supplies, since it is now known as a biological weapon, but extremely difficult to determine the source.

So at this point I hope I have given you a glimpse of the world David was trying to investigate and protect us from these poisonous terrorists.   He knew the rogue countries who were not conforming to the Geneva Convention, but regrettably some of these countries were just too big and dangerous to expose as the main culprits trying to bring the rest of this wondrous planet of ours to ransom.

Now the million dollar question is how to protect ourselves from these deadly biological bombs.  Fortunately, Mr Tupin has made it very clear he is aware of these tactics and will do all he can to take action.  However, for those of us not under this umbrella we need to look elsewhere and I feel empowered to have watched an amazing series of webinars on the Sacred Plant which can cure so many of our health conditions, from eradicating tumours, pain and much more, plus the ability to revamp and activate the bodies immune system and return the body back to a state of good health, with an equal balance of the yin and yang.

My next blog will cover the contamination of water and how this is a major influence in preventing our well being.



19th October, 2017




Hello and welcome back to the tabs-arc blog and my apologies for the delay, but this topic has opened up so many cans of worms!! Plus, I have been somewhat chastised for not conveying a positive message, so will do my very best to illuminate that beacon of light at the end of the tunnel.

With this in mind I want to introduce you to the top four divisions of puppets and puppeteers and their masters.  Yes there is, or correctly should I say there were four different layers of hierarchy, which are now getting distinctly blurred after the inner core was removed.

So let us look at how these different layers interact and that can best be seen by taking a snap shot of how they congregate at their old meeting place, the Bohemian Grove.  Now firstly let me explain these were not well publicised meetings, but rest assured they were all there wrapped in their black cloaks to surround and pay homage to what can only be described as a large owl like creature.  With the orchestrator of ceremonies, the now departed, Swingman, cloaked all in white.  These cloaked individuals, regrettably did not have our best interests at heart, but were there for the sole betterment of themselves and jostling to gain a better position in the pecking order.

So I would like you to imagine four circles, each one larger and surrounding the next.  The inner core, portrayed by the owl-like creature, who has now been removed.  Which takes us down to the next layer, who have always, but falsely appeared to be in control.  However, the Archon of that layer has now passed away, which has left an interesting void.

Now we need to dig a little deeper to achieve some clarification of who is in the inner circle (now that the core has been removed) and circles 1 and 2.  I think that the best way to illustrate their power is to examine who has disinvested from the market and bought actual gold and silver bullion, to those who have just been left to purchase the paper version.  (The paper version having a questionable value, since there is a ratio of about 14:1 of paper to the real metal. It could almost be like watching a game of musical chairs, if there was a call to hand over the real article.)  So you will not be surprised to learn that Baby Thor purchased bullion, whereas Rosor could only purchase a paper version.

Then we need to dig a little deeper, since their other assets, show an even more interesting picture.  So as you can imagine that David was unhappy to learn that Libra’s spouse has now accumulated interesting oil assets.  At this point one must ask the obvious question; what horse trading was done and with whom to achieve such a valuable asset.  Then of course one has to look at the joint announcement from Libra and Shrub in early September 2002, that the two countries were committed to send troupes to a certain country, before the final version of the dodgy dossier was actually released.  So with Libra still in pole position the following year, he would have been more than displeased with the prospect of David’s making his non-published contribution to the dossier public.

Another interesting event worth mentioning relates to how The Sentry held a party for top bankers at a Baby Thor mansion, on the eve before the big crash. One has to ask, or by now it should be quite obvious, what they were there to celebrate.

I hope this helps your awakening journey and to assure you that some of the puppet strings have now been cut and no longer functioning.  The inhabitants of the circles are fighting for survival, now that the process of disclosure is increasing exponentially.  This will unlock the truth of how we have been duped in this perceived freedom, especially now that Jupiter has entered Scorpio, giving us an era of purification, as the promised intense light is beginning to glow from the beacon at the end of the tunnel.

David has asked that my next blog should cover his specialist subject of WMD and what action he suggests.

19th September, 2017


David was at home one morning in July 2003, when he received a strange telephone call from a Mr Mitchell, a rather ‘posh spoken’ man, who asked to meet him on a nearby bridle path, to discuss the suppression of the information in the dozier.

Now at this point we need to go back to the previous year and the drafting of the ‘dodgy dozier’.  David has now explained that yes he was in actual fact asked to prepare a report on a specific countries WMD.  With this in mind David wrote a truthful report, detailing fact after fact, explaining that this particular country did not have any WMD. David’s report was passed directly to Libra and this in turn was shown to Red, however it was not included in the final dozier that was published.  In essence, the report was customised to reflect Libra’s requirement and ensure invasion was authorised.

So by the fact that David’s section was never included, he knew that there was something very underhand taking place and that he was now in a very vulnerable position.  Therefore, he drove his car to the rendezvous with a Labrador dog and went to meet Mr Mitchell as requested.  However, he knew it was a set up as soon as he saw the two men waiting to meet him.  The first man who introduced himself as Mr Mitchell spoke with a robotic voice and sounded so very different to the man on the phone.  This man was well built with a thick jaw and dressed in a brown black trousers and jacket which was so very out of place for a meeting in that location.  The second man was similarly dressed, but what really stood out was that both were wearing the same style, very strange, expensive looking, ornate brown shoes.

Then David saw this needle being stuck into his Jugular Vein, which immediately wiped out his memory.  Even though he is now in spirit he cannot remember anything further and is very frustrated that he cannot tell me more.  Although he knows that they then moved his body to the field where he was found and moved his car to a nearby location.

So this explains why the autopsy report, unpublished medical and scientific records and photographs of David’s body will be kept secret and not be released until 2080.  It is also pertinent to know that David had been told he was on a ‘hit list’ in the final years of his life.  Whilst one of the policemen who found his body claimed that there was less blood found at the scene than that had been recorded.  This helps explain why some doctors wrote an open letter to state that it was extremely unlikely that a primary cause of death would or could have been a haemorrhage from a severed Ulnar Artery in one wrist, without any evidence of a blood-clotting deficiency. 

Let it now be noted David did not commit suicide, but was assassinated by two very strange robotic sounding men, with the use of a syringe pumping a toxic chemical directly into one of his main arteries, causing an immediate memory loss and instant death.  The urgent questions that must now be asked relates to who ordered and instructed this deadly deed of David’s assassination and the source of this lethal cocktail. 

My next blog will cover the puppets and puppeteers who are controlling our wondrous planet. 

5th September, 2017



Now we all now know that David was blamed for this information, however the real story explains why Gina was really too scared to even be forced to divulge his source to his editor.  In essence was it that he knew he had to handle this explosive coup very carefully, not only to protect his job but also his well being and David was to be his named default source or worse still was it a plot to put David in the untenable situation so that his services would be removed.

So we have to to look at the broader picture and ask why would you want to frame a man, who was one of the most valuable knowledgeable specialist  who was helping  to keep this wondrous planet of ours safe from harm.

We already know Camel was instrumental in making 16 suggestions to the final report, in the previous year.  The very vital piece of information that tipped the balance & swayed the votes was the 45 minute claim from a questionable source and that only went into the final report post his suggestions. While the officers who were charged with drafting the report were far from happy with its contents, plus it would now appear that some of their senior colleagues knew it was projecting a false illusion, apart from their controller, the most powerful and influential K who  appeared to be promoting these spurious facts.    It was certainly not the sort of subject for any of them to discuss over a pint after work at the nearest hostelry, let alone be pillow talk.   Then their blood must have boiled over when Camel was formally asked to produce a copy of his suggestions, only for him to produce a revised and less controversial version.

So let us take a brief look at the background.  Maddas had started  working for ICA at the age of 15 and worked his way up the ladder to become a puppet dictator.  He had invaded two of his neighbours at the behest and blessings of his masters.  This in turn had now used up his country’s assets, apart from the oil and some gold.

At this point Maddas had taken out many of his own people including some closely connected to his inner circle and it was at this point some decided that it was time to defect.  One came forward mid September 2002, from a very senior position, stating that Maddas had intentions to have WMD, chemical, biological and nuclear, but he actually had almost nothing in that respect.  So both the ICA & KM6¾ were fully aware that the 45 minute claim was false, from a very reliable source even before the final dossier was made public, however they chose to ignore it.   Then a few months later yet another potential defector, this time someone in the high ranks of their Intelligence Agency came along directly to the KM6¾, yet again confirming that the country in question had no WMD.  By now it was quite obvious that the powers that be, did not wish to listen to the truth, the war drums could not be silenced, even though it was blatantly obvious they were progressing to invade a country based on false information.

The invasion took place in March 2003.  With the invading troops using what can only be described as some ‘Voice of God Alien ET Technology’ from numerous reliable sources.  Reports indicated that the voice told the soldiers to lay down their arms and accept death and many thousands were killed.  The result was a country that was turned into chaos with many lives lost, all because two countries had fabricated a very fundamental agenda, that did not exist in reality.   

So as we can see there were many people wanting to stop Camel and Libra manipulating the decisions of very influential people, who in turn could authorise an invasion and create chaos in another land.

With this in mind I contacted David and asked who had given the information to Gina and why he had taken this action.  David’s response was that an individual from one of the  Intelligence Agencies had come forward with this explosive facts, but Gina was sworn to secrecy on this source and was really too scared to divulge  this information even to his editor.  So he had to make contact with another person who was outside that remit, but at the same time would have the knowledge, albeit very unlikely to name Camel and or Libra.  With this in mind Gina contacted David, someone who was allowed to talk to the press and very knowledgeable on the subject of WMD.  It was no small wonder that Gina had two sets of notes, one from his secret source and one from David’s meeting, which both mysteriously and conveniently disappeared, together with his personal organiser.

The rest of the story is history.  Yes David was framed and falsely accused, in order to protect both Gina and his real source of the sensational news coup.  In essence Gina wanted the kudos of the coup, whilst trying to mitigate the side effects.

My next blog will cover the last 24 hours of David’s life.

22nd August, 2017



Red’s ambition was to become the head of KM6¾, but it was one of those age discrimination problems.  An internal candidate had to be under age 55, so he was no longer in the running.  However, there was another possible route, in being an external candidate.  So he was more than happy to move outside those hallowed quarters (albeit temporary) and take on the role as head of MK3¼ with a direct reporting role to Uppington Street.

Therefore, it was with great relish that he took on board a request from Uppington Street in 2002, for him to arrange a report on the potential dangers of 4 countries, namely: Iran, Iraq, Libya & North Korea.  This was duly presented to Uppington Street, however Scarecrow was not impressed and commented that the paper has to show an exceptional threat from Iraq and  it does not do this yet. 

At this point Red suggested that the report would be more appropriate  to just focus on Iraq.  With this in mind he sent a memo to Libra’s FAA, Ladding referring to the benefits of obscuring the fact that in terms of  WMD in Iraq is not that exceptional.  By this time the second version was already underway, but was put on hold since there was not a strong enough case.

It was only 6 months later a 2nd draft was prepared and this time only focusing on the potential risks of Iraq.  However, within 12 days of presenting the report to Camel (one of the Uppington Street team), he sent Red several memos, with 15 suggested amendments in order to harden the dossier’s language.  Plus the fact that both Libra & himself were worried about that  countries nuclear capability, since the dossier gave the impression that there was nothing much to worry about.  Camel then suggested a claim that in certain circumstances they could produce nuclear weapons in less than a year.  However, the team drafting up the dossier and other seniors could find no evidence of planes, missiles or equipment related to the 45 minute claim, it appeared as though much pressure was applied for strong wording to reach a conclusion that would normally be drawn from such facts.

Then an accommodating piece of information was supposed to have hit the decks at the tail end of August, relating to a claim that Iraq could deploy and activate chemical weapons within 45 minutes of an order being given.  Some say it was that it was not included in the 2nd dossier version, since it was only from a single source, which the intelligence agencies did not really believe.  However, this claim was definitely included in the 3rd and final dossier version, which was issued nearly a month later, post Camel’s suggestions. This final version included a forward from Libra endorsing his concerns about the potential risk.

It is interesting to note at this point that when Camel was questioned about his involvement with the drafting of the dossier, he produced a revised set of memos and the 45 minute claim was not included.  In addition and most importantly the dossier was actually owned by Red as the head of the MK3¼ and not by the team in Uppington Street.

This final dossier had the desired effect for Uppington Street’s plans.

Subsequently, Red and Camel became great ‘mates’ and Red received his desired accolade and was promoted to head his old team at KM6¾.

Having summarised this sorry saga, I made contact with David again to check I had included the important points, plus the source of the infamous 45 minute claim.  Yes you were correct in thinking it’s source was from two individuals: Camel and Libra.

My next blog will cover the real source of Gina’s radio transmission and hope you will join me.