19th September, 2017


David was at home one morning in July 2003, when he received a strange telephone call from a Mr Mitchell, a rather ‘posh spoken’ man, who asked to meet him on a nearby bridle path, to discuss the suppression of the information in the dozier.

Now at this point we need to go back to the previous year and the drafting of the ‘dodgy dozier’.  David has now explained that yes he was in actual fact asked to prepare a report on a specific countries WMD.  With this in mind David wrote a truthful report, detailing fact after fact, explaining that this particular country did not have any WMD. David’s report was passed directly to Libra and this in turn was shown to Red, however it was not included in the final dozier that was published.  In essence, the report was customised to reflect Libra’s requirement and ensure invasion was authorised.

So by the fact that David’s section was never included, he knew that there was something very underhand taking place and that he was now in a very vulnerable position.  Therefore, he drove his car to the rendezvous with a Labrador dog and went to meet Mr Mitchell as requested.  However, he knew it was a set up as soon as he saw the two men waiting to meet him.  The first man who introduced himself as Mr Mitchell spoke with a robotic voice and sounded so very different to the man on the phone.  This man was well built with a thick jaw and dressed in a brown black trousers and jacket which was so very out of place for a meeting in that location.  The second man was similarly dressed, but what really stood out was that both were wearing the same style, very strange, expensive looking, ornate brown shoes.

Then David saw this needle being stuck into his Jugular Vein, which immediately wiped out his memory.  Even though he is now in spirit he cannot remember anything further and is very frustrated that he cannot tell me more.  Although he knows that they then moved his body to the field where he was found and moved his car to a nearby location.

So this explains why the autopsy report, unpublished medical and scientific records and photographs of David’s body will be kept secret and not be released until 2080.  It is also pertinent to know that David had been told he was on a ‘hit list’ in the final years of his life.  Whilst one of the policemen who found his body claimed that there was less blood found at the scene than that had been recorded.  This helps explain why some doctors wrote an open letter to state that it was extremely unlikely that a primary cause of death would or could have been a haemorrhage from a severed Ulnar Artery in one wrist, without any evidence of a blood-clotting deficiency. 

Let it now be noted David did not commit suicide, but was assassinated by two very strange robotic sounding men, with the use of a syringe pumping a toxic chemical directly into one of his main arteries, causing an immediate memory loss and instant death.  The urgent questions that must now be asked relates to who ordered and instructed this deadly deed of David’s assassination and the source of this lethal cocktail. 

My next blog will cover the puppets and puppeteers who are controlling our wondrous planet.