8th November, 2017


Hello once again and hope that this blog’s edition will help you comprehend the enormity of the task to bring you up to speed on David’s specialist subject of Biological Bombs or what the media call Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD).  Once again I was determined to explore what action could be taken to expose the who, where and how of these biological bombs  in order to bring peace and health back to this wondrous planet of ours. 

With this in mind I thought it worthwhile just to remind ourselves of how these deadly and unethical tactics are meant to be controlled.  In essence, we need to look at the 1972 Geneva Convention, which related to the prohibition of bacteriological and toxin weapons, as well as the additional protocol  to this convention, drawn up in the 1990s, that would verify efforts by the treaties signatories to comply with its provisions. 

So it was no surprise that Eagleland refused to ratify this in 2001, since they had persuaded Bearland to act in a matter of good faith to neutralise their stock when the barrier came down.  At the time, Eagleland had made the excuse that they did not have the necessary funds to pay for this expensive exercise and they still have not found the monies to allocate this vital work over 25 years later.  So one does have to question what exactly is going on behind the scenes.

Four years later Eagleland signed an agreement with Nukeria relating to the cooperation in the area of preventing the development of pathogens as a biological weapon.  Following Nukeria’s so-called revolution, the country has become a prime location for Eagleland’s military biological laboratories.    

However, the prevention aspect of the agreement was a total misnomer, which became apparent when the residents of Nukeria then started to experience outbreaks of dangerous diseases.  In one town a mysterious intestinal infection hit the children especially hard and hospitalised 400 of them in one single day, the cause of which has yet to be identified.  The country has also experienced other unexplained conditions including a bizarre epidemic of Swine-flu, and then a deadly botulism from eating contaminated fish.    

None of these laboratories are under the jurisdiction of the state in which they are located and their work is closed to outsiders, with personnel primarily from Eagleland, with diplomatic immunity.  So representatives from the host country are not allowed access to these laboratories, not even those working for the public health authorities.  The whole project is held under secrecy, where even journalists from Nukeria’s independent press are not permitted to make enquiries.

With this in mind you can imagine how the rest of the world’s press reacted when they discovered that a department from Eagleland had requested samples of DNA and synovial fluid from people of Peuroe/Bearland extraction. Understandably, this request prompted a storm of questions, which Eagleland refused to answer.  However, experts in biological weapons claim that these types of specific samples are primarily required when a biological weapon is being designed to destroy a specific populace.

There are now over 400 of these biological ‘research’ laboratories around the world funded and administered by Eagleland, many positioned and surrounding the countries that have not become subservient to this ruler.  So you can now begin to see the tactics that Eagleland may be considering when trying to lever a country into submission.

Then we read of a cholera outbreak in Menye killing at least 2,000 people, with a half a million suspected cases.  At this point we have to ask who and how was this  spread through the water supplies, since it is now known as a biological weapon, but extremely difficult to determine the source.

So at this point I hope I have given you a glimpse of the world David was trying to investigate and protect us from these poisonous terrorists.   He knew the rogue countries who were not conforming to the Geneva Convention, but regrettably some of these countries were just too big and dangerous to expose as the main culprits trying to bring the rest of this wondrous planet of ours to ransom.

Now the million dollar question is how to protect ourselves from these deadly biological bombs.  Fortunately, Mr Tupin has made it very clear he is aware of these tactics and will do all he can to take action.  However, for those of us not under this umbrella we need to look elsewhere and I feel empowered to have watched an amazing series of webinars on the Sacred Plant which can cure so many of our health conditions, from eradicating tumours, pain and much more, plus the ability to revamp and activate the bodies immune system and return the body back to a state of good health, with an equal balance of the yin and yang.

My next blog will cover the contamination of water and how this is a major influence in preventing our well being.